Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ulcerative Colitis (UC)- My Experience

1. Myself :

Myself, Neeraj Srivastava, aged 54 years, a native of Kanpur city, Uttar Pradesh, Banker by profession. I am a Patient of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) since 1998.

2. Purpose of this Blog

To provide a platform to the patients suffering from ‘Ulcerative Colitis’ for experience sharing aimed at enabling better existence for the UC community through exchange and sharing of accumulated experiences.

A click at any of the search engines throws up numerous websites relating to UC. However, most of these sites offer the views from the perspective of the Doctors or Research scholars. The objective of this platform is to provide the UC Patient a platform for giving his/her perspective. They are the ones who undergo the actual pain.

3. About Ulcerative Colitis

a. What is Ulcerative Colitis?

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic disease of Colon (large intestine) characterized by bloody diarrhoea and an inflamed colon. UC is relatively common but remains poorly understood. Diagnosis must be made by a healthcare practitioner—typically a gastroenterologist. A completely unrelated and less serious condition was sometimes called mucous colitis in the past. As a result, the general term “colitis” is still sometimes used inappropriately to refer to irritable bowel syndrome. It is critical that people who are diagnosed with “colitis” find out whether they have irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis.
Conventional treatment for UC is often essential in emergency circumstances. However, conventional treatments for UC frequently offer only a partial solution and in some cases are accompanied by significant side effects. Because of the limitations of conventional therapy, many people with UC look to natural medicine in an attempt to deal with their condition.

b. Symptoms
UC can give trouble on and off throughout life. Most of the time, sufferers feel well with no symptoms this means the disease is inactive (in remission). The disease flares up from time to time and becomes active (relapse). The frequency and reasons of relapse are not well understood as of now. In fact the reason for occurrence of UC itself is not known. At each flare-up the symptoms can be better, worse or the same as the time before. The main symptoms are:
Ø Frequent and urgent need to pass blood and mucus, there may be some stool as well;
Ø Diarrhea in more severe cases;
Ø Abdominal pain, often just before a stool is passed;
Ø General feeling of tiredness
If only the final part of the bowel (rectum) is involved, the disease is called proctitis and the usual symptoms are passage of blood and mucus with or without diarrhea. UC involving the full colon is known as ‘pan-UC.’ When only the left wall of the Colon is effected, it is Left Sided UC- just like my case.

4. My Experiences

a. Initial Phase of the Disease

My first encounter with UC was in 1997. However, at that time diagnosis had not been concluded and I was not aware that I was suffering from UC. This is one of the frequent dilemmas faced by most UC patients. This is due to the symptoms resembling Piles and Ulcers. To start with the Doctors treat the patient for Piles and or Ulcers. It is only when the symptoms persist and the treatment does not respond as desired, further probe is resorted to. It so happens, that many a times natural remission occurs while one is being treated for Piles etc. This results in confusion. The same happened with me. I was treated for piles for few months in which time natural remission occurred. I thought I was cured. But, in December 1997, I went on an official tour to Bulandshar, a town in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. After my return from tour I started passing lots of blood with and without stool. Once again, I visited the doctor who had treated me for piles. But, this time the bleeding was copious and it persisted for more then a month without any let up. I became quite weak. Finally, my uncle, Dr. Navin Chandra, MD, a renowned medical practitioner from Gorakhpur, advised me to visit Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Medical Institute at Lucknow. I visited SGPGI on January 13, 1998- Gastroenterology Department OPD. After listening to me, Dr. Saraswat, Gastroenterologist, SGPGI advised Colonoscopy and Biopsy (CB). Also, he straight away put me on medicines for UC based on his clinical diagnosis. Colonoscopy and Biopsy were performed on January 13, 1998 itself. UC diagnosis is confirmed through Biopsy of Colon (large intestine). Diagnosis was confirmed in my case after 3 days on receipt of CB report. I was suffering from left sided UC involving the rectum up to sigmoid colon. That day I learnt that UC has two variants – left sided UC when only the left side of the colon is involved and Pan UC when the entire colon (all four sides) is involved.
Once the diagnosis was confirmed, Doctors at SGPGI put me on Steroids (Wyslone 60mg) to be administered locally. It was my first encounter with steroids. Steroids were in addition to other medicines, namely, Mesacol (5-Aminosalsylic Acid), Folvit, Pentodac 40mg (for preventing medicine induced acidity), Isabgol (at bed time) which were advised by Dr. Saraswat during my first visit to SGPGI. As days went by, bleeding and the number of stools came under control. But, steroid therapy started showing its side effects. To counter some of the side effects additional medicines, Shelcal (for Bones), Ativan 2mg (for insomnia) were added. Steroid therapy takes about 3/4 months to complete as the dose is gradually tapered from 60mg to 5 mg- there is a co-relation between the body weight of the patient and the dosage of steroid administered.

b. Evolving Situation

I have had many relapses thereafter. But, the major one was in January 2003. This time the local administration of steroids was not able to arrest bleeding from the colon. Faced with such a situation, doctors put me on Oral steroids. The side effects in case of oral administration become more pronounced- insomnia, mood swings, bone density depletion, skin rashes, ‘Moon’ face, mouth ulcers etc. Another complication, a major one that I developed was ‘Steroid Dependency (SD)’- SD is a state in which relapse occurs as soon as the Steroid therapy is stopped. This situation persisted for nearly 2 years. Given the SD condition, it was decided by my doctors to put me on ‘Azoran,’ apart from other regular medicines. Azoran is a very strong medicine involving major side effects- it is to be taken strictly as per medical advice. The side effects Azoran include, medicine induced jaundice, reduction in Blood Platelet and TLC count – regular blood test had to be conducted, every 15 days, for keeping a check on various critical parameters. The idea is to ensure that the Blood Platelet and TLC count do not fall below the threshold limit and also to monitor the level of jaundice. When the doctors started Azoran, their understanding, based on available research information was that 1 in 500 patients develop jaundice – unfortunately I was 1 of the 500 patients who developed jaundice and Azoran had to be stopped. The situation became really complex. Doctors at SGPGI, Lucknow were of the opinion that I was left with no option but to undergo surgery.

c. Surgical option (as I understood it as a layman)

In case of UC, surgery is a complex multi- stage process. In the first stage, entire colon is removed, leaving only a small part of the rectum. In the second stage, the colon is reconstructed from the Small Intestine and it is connected to the rectum that was left in the first stage. I was told that the gap between the 2 stages can vary from 3 to 6 months depending on the response of the body- faster recovery, lesser gap. Faced with the threat of loosing my colon, I had to explore the subject further. After all, the very idea of loosing any of your organs is a dreadful experience. I have always believed in the manifest Divinity, but, this encounter made my conviction in the manifest divinity stronger. Various organs of our body are nothing but Divine Blessings. During my explorations, I learnt the importance of the Colon for our body and the role it plays in keeping us healthy. More importantly, I learnt that after the removal of the colon, I will have watery motions through out my life as the artificial (constructed) colon is not able to perform the ‘absorption’ function like the natural colon. The most important point, relapse is possible even after surgery - the small portion of the rectum that is left in the first stage, can start bleeding. The doctors at SGPGI were sure that I had no option but to undergo surgery as the sustained administration of oral steroids was poisoning my body. It was a very difficult decision for me and my family. My father was not at all in favour of surgery as he was fully convinced that surgery was not indicated in my case. His conviction was based on his astrological knowledge.

d. Clinical Remission

I once again consulted my uncle Dr. Naveen Chandra. He advised me to consult gastroenterologists at New Delhi for a second opinion. He suggested 2-3 doctors; the senior most doctors he suggested was Prof. (Dr.) B. N. Tandon, MD, FNA, retired head of Gastroenterology department, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. Dr. Tandon is one of the leading gastroenterologists of the country and is popularly referred to as ‘Father of Gastroenterology’ in medical circles. I went to his clinic at Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi alongwith all my past papers- prescriptions, CB reports etc. I was still on oral steroids when I visited his clinic. He examined me clinically and went through my reports. After detailed examination he explained to me about the disease in a very comforting manner. The best part, he gave me hope and confidence that clinical remission is possible and surgery, which was looking inevitable, can be averted. He replaced Mesacol with Colorex. Steroid was to be tapered as usual. Colorex did the magic for me. I was able to sustain remission this time even after the completion of the steroid schedule. Subsequently, Dr. Tandon stopped Colorex and advised Sazo EN to be taken on an ongoing basis in place of Mesacol. The change of salt did the trick for me. I was able to stabilize remission. The medicine schedules returned to the normal state- basic medicines are to be taken on an ongoing basis by UC patients.

e. Role of Family and colleagues at Workplace

Family support is an essential pre-condition for recovery from relapse and also in maintenance of relapse. I am lucky. I have got the best family in the universe. My father, Shri R.C. Srivastava, H.J.S., is the pillar of my life- he is my biggest strength. He is the best father one could dream of. A perennial optimist, he is able to provide solace every time you need it. His words act like a balm- immediate soothing effect. He has a solution for the most difficult of the circumstances.

My life partner, Manisha, a perfect homemaker is the ‘love healer.’ Her pure, sublime and divine love provides magical healing. I am blessed to have her as my companion in the journey called ‘Life.’ She had to encounter with UC in the very early phase of our marriage. To her credit, she has withstood the test of time and helped me regain my health with her unflinching love and never ending prayers. We are blessed with a son Manas.

True to his name, Manas is a very caring and understanding child. He is now 17years old. He never fails to pray for me and family. Children are a source of ‘Divine Delight.’ Even in this tender age, he is able to understand my problems and helps me uplift myself whenever I am down and out. He is a cool talented dude pursuing 11th at St Francis Lucknow.

My younger brother (uncle’s son), Shobhit, is an amazing Youngman. He is always there when I need him. Always willing to help, he has traversed the journey of UC with me holding my hand. He is the implementer- problems vanish with him around.

I was also lucky to have wonderful bosses during the most difficult phase of SD. Their co-operation and empathy was crucial for recovery and they provided the same in abundance. Co-operation of colleagues is equally important- I got it when I needed it most- sounds magical, rather divine. But, at times things can be difficult, after all individuals have individualized perceptions.

No hesitation in proclaiming that I have the best family in the universe- Thank you God.

f. Present Day

My job is like any other All India Public sector job involving all India transfer liability. I was transferred in July 2007 from Kanpur (native place) to Ludhiana. Subsequently, in March 2008 I moved to Jalandhar for a brief stint, from April 2008 to Sep 2011 in Jammu. Thereafter, I move to Mumbai from Oct 2011 to June 2013.

All this while, due to some pressing circumstances I have to move all alone, my wife and son have to stay back at Kanpur. I was fine in Ludhiana. Jalandhar was bad . My body found it difficult to adjust in Jammu and Mumbai - it was really painful. The change of climate and water coupled with mental stress, distance from the family, situation in J&K, seems to have had an adverse effect. I suffered a relapse somewhere around July 2008. During that time the Amarnath agitation was also going on in Jammu covering the entire state subsequently. Entire Jammu was closed for nearly 3 months. Due to official exigencies, I had to be stationed at Jammu, practically under house arrest. All the above factors put together triggered the relapse. I had to go back to Oral steroids as the local administration (Entofoam) was not able to help achieve remission. The oral regime started from September 2008. Finally, I had to proceed on leave during October – December 2008. The leave helped me achieve remission. The factors once again responsible for achieving remission were: 1. Proper treatment (my regular gastro Dr. Khanduri is based at Kanpur). 2. Back at home I was able to get the support of my family thereby releasing the mental stress. 3. Healthy and hygienic food.

Steroids were gradually tapered as usual and finally stopped in January 2009. Regular medicines continue. I am much better now and the side effects of steroid therapy (ST) are gradually disappearing. Apart from other side effects, one of the side effects of ST is skin problem- especially in the neck region, abdomen and back which is stubborn and persists long after the stoppage of steroids, kind of permanent accomplice. Mumbai again was difficult. Water is a big issue in Mumbai- one has to depend on Bisleri cans.

Solitude may be bliss, but loneliness is a curse, especially for a UC patient. Family, regular checkups, friends and helpful colleagues form the essential support system needed for keeping UC in check. Depressed state of mind is sure to precipitate the disease. All in all, my present state of existence is not very conducive for my health. But it’s a professional hazard and I have to live with it.

g. Lessons

The major lessons that I learnt from my now more then decade old experience with UC are:

Ø UC cannot be cured, but it can be treated.
Ø One has to learn to live with UC
Ø Do not think about UC as a disease- treat it simply as an state of existence which can be improved more by one’s own will and determination with the support of competent Doctors, family and colleagues.
Ø Self pity is an absolute no. Depression has no place- one has to be mentally tough.
Ø Support of family members, colleagues at workplace, plays a very important role in the recovery process and also in prevention of relapse.
Ø Regular visit to your Doctor, following his advice in all sincerity, support of family & colleagues and a positive frame of mind are the essentials for a UC soldier.

h. Treatment (s) tried by me

In the initial phase, I tried homeopathic. But, it did not work. Once, UC was confirmed I have been undergoing Allopathic treatment. Subsequently, as I probed further, I came to know about Dr. Harish Verma, BAMS, an Ayurvedic practioner, initially based at Chandigarh, has since shifted to New Delhi. In fact one of my colleagues, gave me a paper cutting carrying an article published in a news paper (Hindi) way back in 1999 (or ’98)- the article was by Dr Verma and his research work on UC. Since, allopathic does not offer any cure I decided to consult Dr. Verma. He went through my reports and advised his medicines- one powder and one capsule to be taken 3 times a day. The best part was that I could take his medicines alongwith the Allopathic medicines. Sometimes in 2006, baba Ramdev, was in Kanpur for one of his camps. He was staying in IIT campus. I was able to get an appointment with him. He taught me 5 Pranayams. I added these to my daily routine alongwith the medicines.

To summarize, no system offers complete cure for UC as till date the cause of UC remains unidentified. One has to try different treatments – I am practicing the Pranayams, taking both, allopathic and ayurvedic medicines and observing dietary restrictions as advised.

i. Diet- Ulcerative Colitis- Dietary Observances

1 Drink Boiled / Filtered Water
2 Mineral Water can be taken
3 Food should be FRESH and cooked with proper HYGIENE
4 Homemade Food should be taken.
5 Restaurant / Hotel / Fast Food / should be avoided. It may lead to infection.

Milk is one food item that is restricted by all doctors. Besides, milk, allopathic doctors advice the policy of ‘observe and avoid’ based on individuals response to different food items- for instance I have found that ‘Soya’ is harmful for me.

j. Doctors

I am undergoing /undergone treatment under following doctors:

1. Prof. (Dr.) B. N. Tandon, MD, FNA, retired head of Gastroenterology department, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
2. Dr. Arun Khanduri, MD, DM (SGPGI, Lucknow), Consultant Gastroenterologist, Kanpur- he is my regular doctor.
3. Dr. Harish Verma, B.A.MS., Sushruta Ayurvedic Therapy Centre, E-54, Ist Floor, Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi.

Doctors at serial number 1 and 2 above are Allopathic doctors and Dr. Verma is an Ayurvedic doctor now based at New Delhi.

Note: The details of all the doctors shared in the Blog pertain to the doctors under whom I have undergone/ am undergoing treatment. The mere mention of their names is not a recommendation/ suggestion to take their treatment. One must choose his/ her doctor based on one’s own experience and requirements.

k. Mental Make-up

The power of mind is amazing. One may not realize it in the day-to-day flow of life, but the mind has a direct bearing on the physical health of an individual. That has been my experience. Since UC is a life long friend, one has to condition his/her mind to live in harmony and peace, especially with self. An ever positive mindset full of hope and optimism is something one has to inculcate. Prayers do help a lot. Talking to self once a day is of great help- try it you can even talk to your organs. This also helps in identifying the symptoms at an early stage- body gives signals, one has to learn to receive them and understand them. Sustained practice is the key. Good friends in whom you could confide fearlessly and who are compassionate is a real boon.

ü Condition your mind for eternal optimism. Do not loose hope.
ü Pray on a regular basis.
ü Talk to yourself on a daily basis. Share a lot
ü Try to listen to your body and respond accordingly.
ü Use the power of mind to treat yourself.

5. Disclaimer
a. The experiences shared, views expressed, are based on my understanding of the disease and it is not necessary that any or all of my experiences may be the same as of other individuals.
b. The Blog is meant for sharing of experiences, ideas etc. only. Any treatment must be taken under the guidance of a qualified Doctor as per individual needs.
c. Medicines mentioned above are very strong medicines and should be taken under strict medical supervision of a competent doctor. Please do not take any medicine without proper medical advice.
d. Inclusion of the names of various doctors in my experience narrative is one of the ways to express my gratitude – no recommendations. One must choose her/ his doctor based on one’s needs/ requirements. Choice of a particular doctor is an individual decision.

My Blog welcomes all. Anybody having some information/ experience to share, especially regarding UC, not necessarily a UC patient, is welcome to this Blog. Even those having nothing to do with UC are also welcome to this open space with open heart and mind.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Such a great information to be healthy and fit. i like this post. and bookmark for future use.

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  2. Hi neeraj,,,hope u r doing fine now..
    i am vilasini .My husband(35yrs) has the same problem as

    he had his first attack when he was in his 8th std,,after

    that since 2003 he has been having it on and off..but in

    2003 he was admitted in the hospital for a week and was

    under oral steroids..he was fine then..after that wysolone

    was started and tampered he is having thae same

    problem again..but this time he has joint pain and other

    issues..i guess the same is associated with the UC..Now

    again the drs are advising him to go in for steroids

    alongwith azoran..we are again scared of its

    sideeffects..our family drs are not agreeing for surgery

    option neither we..

    all these yrs we were not really worried ..but this time

    husband is like losing his confidence..

    please advise us..

    We live in kumbakonam near tanjore he works for a prvt

    sector bank..

    noe we are in Chennai for his treatment

    w/o Kamakodi

  3. Vilasini,

    Hi! I can understand the situation. Joint pains are the extra intestinal manifestations of UC. I do have the same problems on an ongoing basis.

    First thing help your Husband in maintaining his confidence- faith in self is the biggest healing power. Side effects are bound to be there in Allopathic system of medicine. For countering the side effects you can consult the treating Dr. for addition of medicines, e.g. Calcium for Bone density depletion.

    Kindly also try some more experinced Dr say at Asian Institute of Gastroentrology at Hyderabad. You may also try Dr. B.N. Tandon at New Delhi- telephone no of his secretary Shri Sajeev is 09818547822.

    I pray that your husband recovers soon. Regards


  4. hi neeraj..thanks for the response..
    now he is also having skin related issues and they have diagonised it as pyoderma gangrenosis or something like that..
    actually first he was diagonised as UC in 1987 and there were no issues for 10 yrs..
    i am like so worried ...thanks for the he is admitted in the hospital and hope he will be discharged in another 4-5 days..

    i am losing my hope day by day..

  5. Vils,

    Have faith in Allmighty. Things will improve. Keep your confidence and support ur partner. His confidence is must for speedy recovery. Such phases do occur in UC. I hope and pray that he will recover soon. Have faith, live with hope. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  6. hi neeraj,
    this is sarala from trichy,tamil nadu.reading your story was a rewind of sorts for me coz my beloved mother suffers from uc since past 10 yrs.she was given wrong treatment for a long time then she underwent colonoscopy and biopsy and was confirmed as a uc patient.she is 61 yrs old and has been on steroids administered even through IV when the problem gets bad.she is on mesacol 400 mg 1-1-1 and azoran 50mg 1-0-1/2.she was put on wysolone for a long time but that led to sharp fluctuations in her blood sugar levels as she has developed steroid induced diabetes.the hiked sugar levels had caused heart failure and she suffered from cardiomyopathy.with great efforts we boosted up her heart again due to steroids and their side effects on the blood sugar levels her heart is under stress.the cardiologist is asking us to stop azoran and the drug she is taking for diabetes rosglitazone 2mg 1-0-1 every day.could you offer any suggestions?we have been living in hospitals since past 10 is a harrowing there any alternate mode of treatment with lesser side effects? i've given up my career for taking care of her.i want her to be healthy and fine....can you offer suggestions please?

  7. Hi Sarala,
    It seems your mother has developed serious complications. Age is definitely one inhibiting factor. I think you must once vist Asian Institute of Gastro.(AIG) at Hyderabad. Also you must look for alterantive systems (Ayurved) in addition to Allopathic treatment. In any case Allopathic treatment has to continue. I once read about some treatment involving Infliximab,most probably at AIG. Just try to find out. Have faith, live with hope. Mind has a very important role to play- try to keep your mother in a good frame of mind. It's difficult, easier said then done. But there are no options. Best wishes for a speedy recovery of your mother. Convey my regards to her. Neeraj

  8. hi neeraj,

    i am suffering from UC and taking mesacol and wysolone(1 morning,1 night).I have been taking this past 6 months .i didnt come across blood in the stool after taking this medicines.past 6 months i gained weight and got round face .
    past 1 month i started taking non veg food .

    i got skin rashes in my thigh ,underarm (hand),neck past 2 weeks .i dont know why i got this .is this due to taking non veg food .as i moved from india to uk for short term work ,i couldnt contact my doctor in india over phone which he dont prefer talking on phone.

    so i applied coconut oil in the skin rashes on my thigh and underarm .will skin rashes go away automatically .currently iam taking medicine as prescribed by the doctor .somehow i got skin rashes which is itching me all over the day

    please let me know abt this

  9. Dear Hevyino,

    Hi! your problems, skin rashes, wt. gain, etc. all are side effects of Wyslone. For skin u need to consult a skin specialist and tell him that u are a UC patient and also tell him the medicines u r taking. Wt. gradually returns to normal once wyslone is stooped (tapered). In any case Wyslone must be taken under strict medical supervision. In no-veg u may avoid fish.

    Wishing you speedy recovery.

  10. Hi Neeraj,
    Thanks for putting efforts for creating this blog, it does help a lot for uc sufferer in many way.

    I am from uk 28/f and diagnosed with uc throughout past one year. I have being on Azathoprine(azoran) and mesalazine (mesacol) are not working for me.since being diagnosed i have not obtained remission. I think i am also being steriod dependent as when i take it my diahrea comes under control but bleeding does not stop. I only have low fibre diet home made food . I am also taking doctor harish verma medicine from past 8 months but i am not able to attain remmision. What should i do , i am so much in pain and goes 15 times bm per day. My specialist here says that sulfazine and buldazine are outdated medicines and now they are suggesting surgery for me. Also he says that infleximab or remicade cannot be given to me as i have recently got shingles infection which could just bounce back. Any suggestion would be really appreciated. Any diet , food tips is very much welcome. Thanks in advance

  11. Very educative
    I am 63/m,got diagnosed for TB in SRGH,then for UC by Dr BN Tandon's metro centre,Noida
    operated for colon in july,2006 by Dr Vivek Tandon
    Since then on Measacol(3),Folvite(1),soft & low fibre food,
    No red meat,beans,peas,alcohol,Full cream milk
    No skin/seeds in fruits/vegetables,no gas forming veggies like cauliflower.
    Test Hb once in 3 months,below 10 is danger level
    Watch weight,appetite,stool frequency & hardness

  12. Good times, Bad times, Bad Times, Good Times...........Remission, flare-up,, flare-up remission, .........the cycle goes on and on and.............

  13. Dear Karina,

    Firstly Sorry for the much belated response from my side. Lot of movement in life was unable to keep myself abreast with things. Regarding your problem, kindly go through the sections 'Surgical Option' & 'Clinical Remission' on my blog. In my case Dr. B.N. Tandon had replaced Mesacol with Colorex and subsequently with Sazo. If possible, you may consult him at his clinic in Noida. Regarding diet, I try to follow to the max. possible extent the diet chart given by Dr. Harish Varma. Besides, Dr. Varma's list one has to observe the food intake and it's effect; for e.g. based on my experiences I avoid Soy and related products. Please try all the possible Clinical options before deciding about surgery. Wishing you a Very Speedy Recovery. Once again sorry for the belated response. Kind Regards. Neeraj

  14. It seems that Cheese is not good for UC people...Had a discoursing experience.....Not sure..may vary from person to person.....

  15. hi, it's good to see your resilience and come back to a normal life. A few quick points I would like to share with you here. I had this disease since adolescence (I'm 45 now). Bloody diarrohea with abdomen cramps & discomfort were routine. any time it could flare up and can turn the outdoor life into a hellish experience. wherever I went I first enquired about the availability of toilet,cos the moment I felt the urge I had to defecate. Outdoor life and social occasions became absolute no for me. It was really tough. Then Oneday I got to know about Dr Verma of NewDelhi. I took his treatment for more than three years. Frequency of remission and intensity flare ups both reduced with time. now I'm as normal as anybody else. once again best wishes for starting this blog on such a disease which is rare (?) among indians.

  16. Hello Neeraj! I suffered with UC (bloody Diahrea non-stop for 5 and half years) and finally, I was on high dose of streoids (50 mg) since a months and half and i was hospitalized for almost 2 and half weeks. I recently met Dr. Harish Verma, what a nice man! I am still on steroids but my gasrtoentrologist is tapering , now i m on 20 mg. but dr. are telling me that there is a possiblity that signs and stymptoms might come back when i am gonna reduce to 10 mg steroids. Therefore, I am so scared.I just do not want to look anymore on last 5 and half years. I am going to start Dr. Verma's medecines soon bcoz he wants me to first finish up with steroids and then, continue with his treatment so he can see how my body reacts to his medecine. when you stopped steroids how was everything with you? I hope sign and symptoms did not come right away? how was the experience of taking allopathy and ayurvedic at the same time? i heard even after stopping steroids,they affact for longer peroid? what do you think, should i start dr. verma's meds right away after stopping steriods? Waiting for the reply!

  17. hello CUPID! it is really good to know that you are living a normal life now... I also wanna have my normal life back. I was never on remission since 5 and half years. and i m only 26 f single. CUPID, were you taking any other allopathy medecines when you started Dr. Verma's medecine? You said that you took his treatment for more than 3 years? with allopathy or without allopathy?? are you still taking his pills or completely no more medecines??????????? plzzzzzzzz help! and provide little more details... it will really help me solve my dilemma.... waiting for reply thanx!

  18. Hello Anonymous,

    Firstly don't be afraid. Your positive Attitude is going to make a world of difference. Always think that 'You Are Well' instead of 'I am Sick.' Coming to medication, I took both Allopathic and Ayurvedic (Dr. Verma)treatment together.I am still continuing with both the medications as part of preventive treatment/maintenance dose. I also consulted Dr. B.N. Tandon, Ex Head of Gastro at AIMS (pl. see my blog). His treatment did the trick for me. Dr. Tandon has his clinic at Noida. You can meet him with prior appointment. The preventive medicines have to be continued even after remission. The Golden rule is 'Be Regular with your medicines and do Visit your Doctor Regularly as advised by your Doctor. Wish you a Very Speedy Recovery...Neeraj

  19. Hello Neeraj,

    Very useful information. What changes you made on salt and what made your Doctor to switch your medication from Colorex to Sazo as your initial point says Colorex did the trick for you.

    If possible send me your contact # to or call me directly @ 91 99406 81870. I am in Chennai

  20. Hello Neeraj,

    Can you please provide me with either your email address or contact#, I just had a few questions and would like to speak with you personally. Thank you for putting in so much efforts in your blog, it helps other people with the same condition.


    1. Hello Sunita,

      You can reach me at Could not respond earlier due to some difficult circumstances on the personal front..Hope to listen from you .Hope I can be of some help to you.


  21. Dear neeraj,
    I am confused about daily food one should have. Last time when I had flare up and that was the first time on steroids, I had taken only mung dal ,potato subji , roti and rice for 6 months. This time my dr. Says food has nothing to do with UC . I am half way my treatMent and having almost every variety of vegetables, dal and rice(pulao) and all. I have changed my dr. He says dont have chilly and fried things. Avoid milk products and milk. What does your experience say. He says fish is good. How do I make my food intake more nutritious ? Can you share your experience?
    I am also told to take Azoran since past 7 days and I have avoided taking it. After reading what happened to you I am sure I don't want to take it. I am doing good with Omnacortile .
    Your story is very honestly written I do appreciate your sharing!
    Please reply soon

  22. Dear Anonymous,

    Thanks for reading my blog and appreciating the effort. Regarding your food part, yes milk is not recommended rather prohibited by all the major medical disciplines,viz, Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic systems. So best thing is to say Good Bye to milk. In fact, I have been taking black tea for now nearly a decade.Do make sure to take a calcium supplement/medicine on an ongoing basis. You can also try the food chart given in my blog (Dr Varmas food chart). Regarding Azoran, it is best to go by the advice of your attending Doctor under strict medical supervision. Wish you a Speedy recovery..

  23. Hi Neeraj,

    Hope that you are doing well. Great post there, is really helpful.

    My mother has been suffering with UC for the last 20 years.
    She has left sided UC involving the rectum up to sigmoid colon.

    She has been on mesacol for most of this period, but the doc asked her to switch to sazo to also help her with the trouble she has been having in her joints because of the steroids.

    She has been on sazo for a month now. She sees some signs of bleeding now, which was not this bad with mesacol.
    Also she has been complaining of headaches..

    How was your switch from mesacol to sazo? Was it easy? Any idea if there are any side effects with sazo?

    Thanks a ton!

  24. Hi Neeraj,

    How are you doing now.
    I'm a newly diagnosed UC patient. My case is pretty much similar to yours.
    What has amazed me is the medicines that were given to you 15 years ago were given to me last month.

    However I have decided to stop all the medicines and start fighting with diet as long as I can.
    I have just started SCD. Wanted to know your opinion on this.


    1. Hi Sujit,
      Sad to hear that u have been diagnosed with UC. My experience has been that being in touch with your Dr. and taking the prescribed medicines are the golden rules to be followed. Alongwith medicines you can try other therapies depending on your condition/circumstances in consultation with your Dr.

      Consultation with your Dr at every stage is a must. Take care. Best of luck.

    2. Hi Neeraj,

      Thank you very much for your reply.
      Did not get any notification.
      I wanted to ask if you have tried SCD at all.


    3. Hi Sujit

      I did not try SCD. It has been developed in US context. The genetic pre disposition of Indians is different from Americans. Not sure how relevant is SCD in its present form for us in India.


  25. Hi Neeraj,

    A salute to you for taking time to create a blog and shared your experience in a step by step manner. I could think how dedicated person you are in your life.

    I'm Saravanan 29 years old from Chennai has been diagnosed with left sided UC on Oct'12. I was put on Steroids(Predmet 24mg) and Balacol 750mg(Balsalazide Diasodium Dihydrate). Predmet was tappered down every month (24mg to 16mg to 8mg to 4mg).
    8mg was for the first 15days of the 3rd month and 4mg for the last 15days of the 3rd month.
    From there on maintanence therapy - Balacol 750mg (1-1-1).

    But had the second attack on 05-May-2013. I was referred for a colonoscopy on 10-May-2013. It revealed Rectum was OK but the Sigmoid was inflamed.
    So back to the steroids and mesalamine.

    So here is my learning goes -

    > When I was first diagnosed of this problem, I had no idea about this and I simply thought this would go away after taking the medicines and never thought it would return.
    > I learnt these are the signs of the active disease
    i.) Incomplete evacuation - even after taking lots of fiber, fruits, boiled veg, 2Lt of water
    ii.) Rumbling noises/vibration/buzzing feeling in the rectum, Sigmoid or left sided colon.
    iii.) foul smelling gas which indicates colon is being attacked by the bad bacteria.
    iv.) Obviously mucus in the stool is a strong indication of the advancement of the disease.
    v.) Next stage is the blood.

    This is a learning in 7months and I'm sure I have got lot to learn and how to manage this UC.

    I understood from you that
    `Sometimes in 2006, baba Ramdev, was in Kanpur for one of his camps. He was staying in IIT campus. I was able to get an appointment with him. He taught me 5 Pranayams. I added these to my daily routine alongwith the medicines.`

    Please can you advice me

    1.) What symptoms did you explain Baba Ramdev?
    2.) What was his explanation on UC and what causes UC from his view?
    3.) What are the pranayamas he suggested? how many repitiotions?
    4.) Did he suggest any diet apart from spicy food? like mung sprouts, bottle gourd etc.. ?
    5.) Any particular note he made on how to manage UC?

    I would be grateful if you could let me know and I would like to stay in touch with you via this blog to share my learning which might help other people as well.

    I eagerly looking forward for your response.

    Have a nice day.


    1. Hi Saravanan,

      Whenever you get time have a look at the below site. Spend a s much time as you can in reading this.

      I will not get notified if you reply to this but I will visit from time to time.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Sujit,

      Thank you for your post.

      As soon as I was diagnosed with UC, I spent most of my time in surfing the web for all possible info.
      That is when I found there is no cure but could be controlled. How can it be controlled - my managing the diet and lifestyle.

      So my next step was to find which diet would help - this is when I came across breaking vicious cycle SCD.

      I did go through all the legal & illegal lists and was very much happy that atleast I have found something to keep this diesease under control.
      But unfortunately most of the leagal lists turned illegal to me ex - Asparagus, Lentils, Lettuce, Chicken(fresh and breast part), Lamb (fresh) etc..

      I'm also not 100% with the explanation they have given with the legal list i.e making the bad bacteria to starve by elimintaing the illegal list from the diet.

      It made me to think - well won't the bad bacteria like the meat? chicken, lamb, pork, fish etc..

      And the diet chart also classifies Aloe vera, licorice as illegal. Where as Ayurveda considers Aloe vera as a soother for the instestinal problems and Licorice for its anti-inflammatory properties.

      So this put me into big confusion and decided to go with this formula - everyone is different, I will have to find out myself what works for me and what not!!
      Sorry I'm NOT against the SCD, but it looks like it is just not suiting me.

      But to me it looks like stress is the main factor for a flare.
      The moment I become stressed, my intestines start to rumble and in couple of days or later I have a flare.

      So I have found the main culprit to be stress and Nuts. I had a 100gm of pea nuts(roasted not salted) to get some protein and fat, in just a week I flared.

      I guess Neeraj has pointed out correctly that praying, medidating, doing yoga, avoiding stress could be one of the ways inaddition to staying away from junk foods to stay away from a flare.

      A doctor in Netherlands suggested me that performing a Appendicitis MIGHT cure UC.
      Please note that 'MIGHT' bcz it is not fully proven; research is still going on but found 60% of the people who have undergone appencitis didn't have a flare for the rest of their period.

      So in future definitely something would be found out as a cure for UC and we all will be able to enjoy our life.

      Thanks again for your post. Stay in touch.


    4. Dear Saravanan,

      Sorry for responding so late to you. Frankly somehow I missed your post...have a bit busy due to my transfer and other related issues. Thanks a ton for your appreciation.

      Regarding your query about Baba Ramdev :
      1. It was a very brief encounter. Hardly 5 minutes.
      2. He is aware about UC so there was no need to explain much to him.
      3. His assistant suggested pranayams.....most imp being anulom-vilom & kapalbhati.
      4. Not much could be discussed about diet.....lot of crowd waiting for their turn....u know how much people he attracts.
      5. You need to decide the time of the pranayams according to your time schedule. It is better to develop a customized programme capsule say 20 minutes daily.....idea is to be regular rather then being erractic. Yes do take care to do it softly without putting strain on the stomach...intestines. Avoid kapalbhati in flared state.
      6. You can also purchase the book from his yog peeth. You can do it online. It is better to learn the pranayams from an expert then do it.
      Take care.

    5. Hi Neeraj,

      Thank you for your response. Hope you are well settled in the new place.
      I understand, its very difficult to get a slot from Ramdev. But you were lucky.
      I watched the yoga for stomach ailments video by Ramdev. He says Kapalbhatti is the only one which can keep ulcerative colitis under control/cure and no other allopathic meds not even the ayurvedic meds can help to cure.

      I do Kapalbhatti(20 mins) slowly and anulom vilom(15 mins).

      I would like to suggest you guys to watch this video in your free time.

      I will also buy the book/DVD online.

      Do you follow or are you a member in forum? If not, please register. Its FREE. This forum has thousands of members who has UC and are the long term members which means they have been having this disease since long time.
      You get lots of helpful info and tips from the experienced members, ofcourse everyone is different but its worth to give it a try.
      One such tips is Sunflower Seeds and Spinach diet. If anyone thinks they can't digest seeds, they can try Sunflower butter. Like this there are numerous tips.

      For me, I follow a very soft diet but still in a edge of the flare start state i.e mucus coated stools. A sign of rectal inflammation slowly building up. This is all due to anxiety. I'm always anxious every day when I have a bowel movement how will that be with blood or mucus.
      Infact I have always been anxious since my childhood :-( and I had never thought to change.
      But now I'm changing myself slowly not to be anxious. Huhhh difficult.

      I think I can give a logo for UC as 'Change yourself' :-)

      Take care.


  26. Hi Saravanan and Others,

    This is Chetan, 29 yrs male, working here in UK (Manchester). Originally from Bangalore.

    I was diagonised with UC in my rectum and lower sigmoid region in January 2013 here in UK with a sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy test. been really worried since then and have been thinking and reading a lot abt my disease

    I take Pentasa tablets 8 tablets each day (500 mg each). 80% of the time regular.. It gave me initally slight relief for a month I guess but have been seeing Blood majority of time with mucus in it. My Bowel Moments was 2 to 3 times a day but from past 10 days it has increased to 5 to 6 times a day. Bloddy and very watery. Second time it has been so worst in last few months otherwise generally 2 to 3 times a day with little blood and sometimes mucus. Doctors say this is flare up period. A month ago in my 1st flare up they started me on Prednisolone foam enema as they do not cause much side effects it gave me relief for a week but didn't help after that so I have from today started taking oral prednisolone steroids for a course of 2 weeks starting with 40 MG for a week and then tapering it down by 5 mg each day until course finishes. Can even 2 weeks of steriods cause bad symptoms or is it just in ones mind?

    I get scared to eat anything now. I am trying to maintain my weight but I am just 52 Kgs as of now and think I was 58 to 60 in Dec last year. I get body pain now & feel generally week. I feel depressed sometimes and tend to relate everything to my disease. My Vitamin D and iron levels were also low recently so I was also taking Vitamin D supplements for a week. Took the iron tablets for a day but was told to stop until flare up settles.

    I am coming to Bangalore next week and have booked an appointment with a doctor in Bangalore as I don't trust the doctors in UK only because they take months to get back to you and I am scared that it will make it worst if regular proper treatment is not done. But after reading so many blogs, one thing is clear that this disease is unpredictable so one has to follow teir own gut instinct and see what is best for them.

    Also now I am fully confused on whether I should move to Bangalore permanently as my family is there but have to deal with financial issues as UK all treatments are free but again I am alone here and no one to support me in bad times so money part can be adjusted. Are these medicines really expensive in India? Like Pentasa costs?What abt regular colonoscopy and other tests costs for UC?

    I am from Investment banking sector since 4 yrs and will try my best to get a decent job in Bangalore. Being alone in a foreign land is the worst thing sometimes.
    Thanks to all for the post here..Makes me feel good now that I am not the only one suffering but just little worried that if my regular medicines don't work in future then I don't want to be back in Steroids again and make things worst..I have to wait n watch after my course of steriods finishes.

    Can someone please give me more information abt Ayurveda treatments from Harish Verma. Does he really do magic? I want to be 100 percent sure before I travel to delhi and spend loads of money..Also has someone got good results from homeopathy. I am not scared on trying these options as they have no side effects but want to make sure what percentage get benefit before trying 100 things at once..
    Finally I am a vegetarian and don't eat any meat or fish which is a shame. I eat eggs though and now ovoid heavy spices.
    Many people say different things about diet. I am so confused about food. How do I maintain my weight and all nutrients here..Best food for Indians and vegetarians?

    Saravanan can I have your number by any chance once I am in Bangalore. I will try and contact you? I will give my India number once I am there. You can also mail me on Please please share more information on best treatments and the best doctors in India

    1. Dear Chetan,
      1. Being with the family is a good, nay exlnt idea.
      2. Do maintain your weight . Keep a tab on your Hb.
      3. Not sure, but India should be cheaper then UK.
      4. Positive attitude is a must.
      5. Milk is restricted by all 3 systems of medicines. Allopathic, homeopathic & Ayurvedic
      6. Science is limited by the extent of knowledge domain of mAnkind. Science= Vigyan (Hindi) = gyaan jo vidit ho, i.e knowledge which is known. The events beyond the realm of science may be called Miracles.
      7. You never know Dr Verma may prove to miracle for you. I say so bcoz every UC case is unique. Still it is better to go in for a combination of Allopathic with other medicines.
      8. Allopathic treatment is i feel necessary to control and maitain the silent state.
      9. India can be a good option.
      The above points are based on my experiences. You need to take decision based on your circumstances inluding various factors.
      Take good care of yourself. Wish you a speedy recovery.

    2. Dear Chetan,

      Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with UC.

      Trust me mind is the key here, controlling the mind is very much required which is easy to say but difficult to do. Nevertheless nothing is impossible. The initial days would seem difficult but definitely you would learn how to control. Pray to God.
      Try not to anticipate that when you are going to flare again. If you start anticipating you are stressing your mind . This would irritate your bowel and possibly trigger a flare. I have been one of the victims. I anticipated a lot and flared up even though I was in a strict vegan diet - no milk, no egg, only boiled veg, rice, soft fruits - banana, papaya. I take a pomegranate everyday to keep up the haemoglobin and also pomegranate has anti-inflammatory property and destroys cancerous cells.

      Another easy say but difficult to follow in our life is 'Never get Stressed'. But for us it is necessary not to get stressed. As Neeraj pointed out in one of his blogs stress, depression go hand in hand with UC flare.

      Please don't think/doubt that the maintenance medicines might not work for you. Please start trusting, think and tell yourself that it will work. Think that you WON'T flare again.

      It is good to be with your parents. I'm also same like you; I'm in Netherlands and battling with this problem alone here. I understand how difficult it would be.

      Meditation, positive thinking are the tools to keep the disease under control.

      You could reach me at my personal email id -
      My Netherlands number is +31649138902

      Take care.


    3. have cleared ur UC..
      please call me 9176799001 - muthu.. i m now taking TAMIL MEDICINE..and now i feel better..

  27. Dear Chetan,
    Hi! Dr Verma has developed a diet chart. You can use that once u consult him.

  28. Hello Mr Neeraj,

    Hope you are doing well ,your post is really helpful. I have been diagnosed with idiopathic proctitis in jan 13 and i am on mesacal od 1.2 & entofoam i agree advised diet chart should be taken and one has to himself notice the reaction of intake food as it differ from individual bodies reaction .Sharing my experience mainly as i noticed in my case stress is the main cause one should have to remain happy and devotional to stay away from drastic effects of this diseases.



  29. Hi again neeraj and all of you. Sorry to say but my conditions have not improved here in uk. I am in hospital in Manchester and this is my 3rd hospital visit in last 2 months. The problem here is as soon as i taper down my stereoids my symptoms come back. I have been in the hospital for a week now and have a camera test tomorrow to see how severe it is. I was not bleeding 2 weeks ago but suddenly things became bad in a day and my bowel and urgency started to 4 to 5 times a day. Not sure how things just started in a day. Till date i am confused whether it is the food? In hospital they are just giving me whole loads of iv steriods and from yesterday back to oral prednisolone which increases my sugar levels as well 3 times. As mentioned in my last post that azithioprine and 6MP never worked. Now the only option available might be metrataxate or infleximab but since i am hepatitis b+ so doctors have to think carefully. Yet to discuss this with my doctor as i dont want to end up in hospitals like this monthly. I have now informed completely to my parents and they are planning to visit me in uk. I have all the treatment here but nothing seems to have worked till now. Also i am all by myself here. I think i need to quit everything and move to india with them for moral support but i dont want to go through the painfull procedure of treatment from scratch and also spend lakhs of rupees. Any advice on the best and reliable doctor in india. Please share ur contacts people. Neeraj is moving to india a good option now. How is ur disease now? How do u manage work and personal life now? Are you under remission? I also started Dr Harish Verma's medicine a month ago but he has asked me to stop that now as my symptoms are bad at the moment. Are you still taking them? I am from Bangalore you know so u think Dr Tondon in Noida is best according to ur experience or anybody knows someone in Bangalore?

    1. PLease try drinking RAW COW MILK its shown to cure Ulcerative Colitis.Its shown good results in USA.Please see below video and links,

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hey Chetan,

    Very very sorry to hear about your situation.
    What is the change you had done in your life style during the 14 days where you weren't bleeding but you were on the 15th day. Any pointers you could think of?
    What is your current diet?
    How long have you been on the Azathioprine? I heard that it takes atleast 6 months to start working. So you need to hang in positive.
    If the immunosuppressive therapy fails then Biologics will be the next option.
    Its a mind game - being alone is a biggest trigger and adding to that is the work stress, personal life stress, tension, changes in your life, changes in the environment(season changes) etc... Its not only the food which triggers.
    So from my understanding the inflammation will be in the colon but the drugs just helps to keep it calm. Due to the increase in the toxin levels in the body the immune system gets triggered and it is prone to malfunction.
    Remember that under stress body produces toxins especially in the colon.
    My view is its important to detox our body every day and keep us away from day-to-day stress. Detoxification is done using Ayurveda's gift - Triphala, Vilva leaves powder, dried pomegranate skin powder, yoga - breathing exercise.
    Maintaining the positive vibration in the body is much important - you get his by praying God.
    Be careful in using Triphala when you are flaring. Have you tried clay milk? Try Pascalite clay powder milk to help pulling out the toxins and help in healing. I tried it but it din't help me but everyone is different and many have found positive results. Worth trying it.

    I suggest its the time to be under your Parent's love.

    I'm still flaring - not well formed stool(very thin stools), blood as well, trapped gas in the left side due to the inflamed colon causing bloating. Its all because of some kind of fear going in me, stress due to the personal problems and financial commitments. I'm learning and understanding my body daily and trying to take measures.

    My tears and prayers for you. Stay positive, you will be alright soon.

    Please share your colonoscopy and biopsy results.

  32. Dear Chetan,Sad to hear about your relapse. From my experience, it seems to be a case of Steroid dependency. I have been in this state way back in 2002/03. As soon as I stopped wyslone after tapering, I relapsed within a week on number of occasions. To arrest repeated relapses, I was put on Azoran. But could not continue Azoran therapy ss I developed medicine induced jaundice- this is one of the possible side effects of Azoran Therapy. After Azoran therapy failed, destiny took me to Dr. Tandon. He changed my medicine; I was taking mesacol. He replaced mesacol with Sazo-en abd thereafter put me on colorex. Colorex (Ranbaxy) did the magic for me. I have since been on Colorex since then. Colorex salt is different from Mesacol. I have been continuing with both Allopathic and Ayurvedic treatment (of Dr. Harish Verma). I have had relapses thereafter on number of times since then. Due to the transferable job, I had to live all alone from 2007 to 2013 all over India- Ludhiana, Jallandhar, Jammu Mumbai and now in Lucknow. I have reunited with my family after 2007 in June 2013. Being together is wonderful. First and foremost put together the family support system- either u come to India or your family joins you in U.K. Secondly , try some different doctor. Don't worry, be happy is the way to go- sounds cliched, but it works ...I say this from my experience. Do things which make you happy. Keep away from milkmforever; not even in tea. Switch to black/green tea with out milk. Follow Dr Vermas diet chart. Do not loose wt nor let Hb go down. Please take good care of yourself. Surround yourself with positivities. You can reach me at (+91) 9161639333. You are Healthy and will be hale and hearty. Use Auto suggestion. Hope to hear you soon.
    Best wishes
    Neeraj. India

  33. Dear Chetan,

    In continuation of above , sugar problem in your case is a complicating factor, especially with regard to healing of wounds/ulcers. It may be better to take separate treatment for sugar issues alongwith UC treatment.
    Best Wishes

  34. Hi Neeraj,

    Nice to hear from you. I hope you are doing good.
    Have you heard from any doctors(Allopathic, Ayurvedic,Homeopathic) why milk is not good for the IBD patients? What is in the milk could be a trigger for the flare?
    I think Baba Ramdev too suggest to stay away from milk but never saw him mentioning the reason. He suggests to take plenty of buttermilk.

    And do you have Dr.Harish Verma's food chart? Would you mind to share it please?

    Take care.


  35. Hi All
    When I read all information are given above really I am unable to write anything but I am also suffering from same situation since 2011.

    Please mail me also if you guys find any thing
    Manoj Shah

  36. Dear Chetan,
    Good Morning. Hope you have since come back to India with your family now. How is your health now! Hope you must be better...Take care..

  37. Hi Neeraj,
    This is Mahantesh from Bangalore. I am living with my UC from dec-2008. My UC is confirmed on Jan-2009 with colonoscopy and biopsy. From then i was on mesacol 800mg(3 tabs a day). Initially it maintained some extend for 1 year(though it was not 100% remission). But again after Dec 2009 it started increasing slowly, that time i was trying with some ayurveda medicine and alopathy with mesacol oral and mesacol suppository. But it wasn't able to maintain good remission. Mean time i shifted to Bangalore Jun-2010 and started consulting my new Gastroentologiest , who started experimenting with me for 3-4 months. When he found it was controllable by just mesacol(Vegaz-OD) he started slowly predmet(steriod) along with Vegaz-OD. As regular treatment he tapered predmet and he know synmptoms get recur once steriod is stopped so parallely he started slowly Azaron-50mg(2 tab a day). As usual similar to other guys i had side effects of steroid hair loss, etching, mood swing etc. But luckily steriod gone and azaron maintained the remission. So all this expt took ~8-10 month to get some reasonable remission.(Apl-2011). And i started maintaining remission with Vagaz-OD and Azaron-50mg. From Apl-2011 i didn't had any active falreups some time i used to get disturbed due to outside food or infections but all those controlled by within 15 days.
    But now from past 3-4 weeks again bad story started, feeling flare up symptoms. Urgency, mucusa, bloody-water diaharia, -810 times a day from past 2 weeks.
    I need your advise on below things,
    1.This time i am not yet consulted my alopathy Dr, since he is quit careless for regular patients and i am thinking should i go same Dr and search any other better Dr. Is it good to change Dr?
    2.I did consulted Dr Harish varma from Delhi once online with filling patient form, they just directly advised me ulcerine -1 and ulcerine-II medicine to order. How good reliable it is to order and believe online medicines and Dr Varma?. since you have already consulted and taking medicine from him.
    Note: From past 2.5 years i also taking some AYurvedic medicines from one of famous Dr from blore.(Not famous in UC) but as a trust i am maintaining this ayurvedic medicine also.

    Note: Initially i was diagnosed with Left sided mild activity UC, later activity was varying at different time. Don't know whats the status now. If i go now for alopathy Dr first they do colonoscopy.


  38. Top Maternity Hospitals in India Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations certifies hospitals here in the India .Their international division, Make sure the facility that you are considering has been certified by Indian government.

  39. Hi Neeraj,
    How are you doing? Hwz your condition of Ulcerative Collitis?
    Are you in remission now?

    1. Hi!..
      Thanks for your kind interest...
      By the Grace of God, I am better...

  40. Hi,

    anyone meeting Baba Ramdev has not mentioned anything about the diet suggestions that he must have recommended such as Buttermilk for UC patients and avoiding harmful intakes as Ghee, Milk and sugar intakes.

    Also does anyone has any information or an experience to share regarding UC and having a baby i.e. having UC and its effect on pregnancy.

    Please share

  41. I am looking for Ulcerative colitis treatment. Do you any one got success for this treatment.

  42. Hello every one. I am an UC patient for the past 24 years.Managing the disease successfully.Ups downs Ups etc etc.Was in total remission for last four years without a sympton now mild symptoms are back but under control.When i had a major flare in 2009 i joined a support groyp called i have uc by Adam.Very soppportive and informative.Then i started taking probiotocs which i got through family from the US. Has helpef me lot in improning my colon health.After joining the group i have uc i found that western doctors perform surgeries too often which is not at all good.Just keatn to manage the disease and hang in there.I am sure the cure is not far away with so much research being done by the chrons and colutis foundation.I am from hyderabad and go to Asian institute of gaeroentrology.So cheer up everyone.

  43. Hi Uma,
    Wish you a Sparkling New Year 2015..Nice to read your comments..Lets hope that some effective cure is on the way!!!
    I will surely check the group you have mentioned..Thanks for the interest in my Blog...
    Suggestions for improvement are most welcome..Cheers

  44. Typing on my phone so sorry for all the wrong spellings.gastro, learn, colitis,supportive,etc,etc.supportive,group,symptom.sorry was shocked by so many typos.

  45. Hi Neeraj,

    Thanx for creating this blog. I am 23 M/ New Delhi. I was diagnosed with UC in April,2009 (now 6 years almost).

    I would like to add two things to diet that has helped me in some way:
    1. Dahi/ Yogurt (try to take every day)
    2. Nariyal Pani/ Coconut water (everyday)

    I am presently on Azoran (100 mg) and Vegaz-OD (i.e. mesacol 1.2 gm). I am seeing Dr. Avnish Kumar Seth (Fortis Hospital, Head of Gastroenterology). HIs clinic is in dwarka Fees@500/-.

    I would like to ask u that do u feel as energetic and stamina as normal person, when u r in remission. Also, what do say is the state of remission?? Because when i was diagnosed, i was on mesacol only. Then given oral steroids (omnacortil from 40 mg to reducing pattern). I also took entofaom. Then i was finally shifted to Azoran when Dr. saw that steroids have been required in every 3-4 months.

    Now as per allopathy i am in remission BUT personally i feel strugling daily in my life. I also feel depressed due to this because i cannot commit anything on my routine, as many a times i feel stomach pain and gaseous also.

    Pls suggest.

    1. Hi!
      Probably, we are not designed to be normal! Pl try to add some Yoga to your routine under the guidance of some Yoga teacher/expert. May be helpful. Besides, physical disposition, u need to cultivate a strong mental attitude full of helps.

  46. Dear Neeraj,

    have you ever tried Aurveda treatments?

    1. Yes pl...the details are given my blog. Kindly go thru ..might be helpful.

  47. Hi Mr. Neeraj,
    I am Rajeev 33, M from Bangalore, an UC patient. I want to know whether Panchkarma like Basti, Virechan, Sirodhara, Nasayam works for UC. If any experience, please share. Thank you.

    1. Dear Rajeev,
      I do not have any idea about panchkarma vis-a-vis uc. Pl consult some Yoga expert.

  48. Dear Mona,

    Thanks for your generous words...

    Kind Regards

  49. Dear Neeraj,

    Thanks for the information. This is Guru from Bangalore. I do suffer from Chrons desease since last 5 years.
    I am showing in St.Johns with Doctor by name Prasanna who is really good and helped me since last 5 years to leave with this disease.

    my medicines started off with
    Budez CR 2-0-2 and Walasa 2-0-2,Shellcal M 1-0-1 however Budez had side effects of over hyper activeness etc so after 1 year we stopped and switched over to Rowasa 2-0-2 along with Resource High Protein powder. This made me to survive for last 4 years with out much hiccups along with controlled diet.

    Especially follow the Melon based fruits which will keep colon calm in my case and gives better life for day to day purpose.

    Now recently last 1 week Heamoglobin is reduced hence doctor recommended to try out Azoron and trying 25 mg and now 50 mg/day on trial basis. so far CBC count seems fine.

    will keep you all posted on outcome that may help some of you.

    Thanks in advance and wish you all the best.


  50. Dear Neeraj...
    its really commendable what u r doing here since last so many years....
    am also from kanpur...nowdays in delhi....
    life is miserable...apart from UC...psychological issues r killing me...
    still searching for a doctor in delhi ....
    can u suggest any .... who can address UC,Hernia & many other issues :(
    dont want to go to Dr B L Tondon....
    God bless u brother....

  51. Dear Neeraj Ji

    It's so nice of U to take trouble to put information on UC. As per my observation there are some satisfied medicine in Homoeopathic and Ayurvedic than other.
    May God help U.

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  53. Hi Neeraj,
    I had just underwent colonoscopy ,doctor told i have UC mild ,just started now,is there any way it can be cured at earlier stage ?Pls advice


    2. Hello,
      I would like to know what is that Tamil Medicine. My relative has stomach problem for long time, it would be nice if you can give some info on this. I am from Trichy


    1. tell me about your current situation?my husband diagnosed with Chrones recently and we are living in US,but here Remicare is option but we dont want to go for it,please suggest and give us some hope?

  55. Neeraj

    tell me about your current situation?my husband diagnosed with Chrones recently and we are living in US,but here Remicare is option but we dont want to go for it,please suggest and give us some hope?

    1. I now much much better. What i am taking natural medicines is effective for me. I am taking treatment from nadhini subramaniam who is daughter of sakthi subramaniam his show in sun tv morning daily.
      Pls come in watsapp i am sharing my medicine snap shots. And one more if your relation in chennai i m getting you medicines.
      My contact number is 9176799001

    2. Thanks for prompt response,soon iwill ask my husband to talk to you,Thanks again for your number

  56. Thanks for share good list of Health,Find Best Gastroenterologist in Lucknow

  57. Pl check this link

  58. Pl check this link

  59. Hi Neeraj
    my 3 1/2 year old is suffering from ulcerative colitis. She is currently on dteroids omnacortil nd Azuran...she gets intensive cramps in her stomavh....somebody pls suggest what can be done

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  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Watch this cabbage jice cures UC.Not sure if this works

  63. Thanks for sharing good information, find best gastroenterologist in noida & view all details of Stomach Doctors in noida

    1. Now Ulcertative Colitis patient can visit Dr Harish Verma in Toronto too. His website is

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  65. PLease try drinking RAW COW MILK its shown to cure Ulcerative Colitis.Its shown good results in USA.Please see below video and links,

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  67. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sangeetaji
      R u also suffering by this problem.

  68. Hi Neeraj sir
    Please share your number

  69. Very good blog. helpful to know the remedies for this problem by others. I ve just started ayurvedic treatment by Dr. Harish Verma, laxmi nagar Delhi. I think the diet chart by him can help a lot. Also yoga anulom vilom And slowly slowly kapal bhati for half hour daily can help. Avoid spices and outside food and it gives relief. Avoid stress and try to be happy. My no is 9818253520 if anyone want to know my experience with this problem can call .

  70. Evolving life situations... Dad left for his Heavenly Journey...Steroid dependency continues! Questions to be resolved too many!!!
    Time is a great healer...things will improve!!

  71. Hi Neeraj,

    Very sorry to hear that. Hope his soul rested in peace.
    Be brave, your dad is always with you.

    May God give you enough strength to come out of the pains.

    Take care.


  72. Neerajji May God rest his soul in peace. And also give you strength to overcome all sorrow and pain.

  73. Under Treatment of Dr Tandon for steroid dependent condition.
    Steroid induced Catract in both eyes progressing....may be time for some surgery going forward!!!
    Sawal hi saWal.....jawab Nadarat?!?!?
    Good Morning guys n gals.....Shubhprabhat!!

  74. Under Treatment of Dr Tandon for steroid dependent condition.
    Steroid induced Catract in both eyes progressing....may be time for some surgery going forward!!!
    Sawal hi saWal.....jawab Nadarat?!?!?
    Good Morning guys n gals.....Shubhprabhat!!

  75. But as our famous Showman said... "The Show must go oN"...
    With head held high....aM keeping the ' ShoW oN'...
    Need loads of luck also, besides efforts and will power

  76. Absolute no for UCs......areated drinks...ladys finger (bhindi)..
    More..after more learnings.....TC

  77. Hi All,
    I am suffering from UC (MAYO GR 3 disease) since 2013 on wards with heavy discharge blood and mucus coming through motion. I was used to go toilet 5 to 6 times a day. I underwent all forms of treatment(Ayurveda, Homeopathic, Allopathic) but with little relief. One of naturopathy doctor advised me to take juice of Ripened Aegle marmelos( Bael in hindi) fruit juice. On his advise I started taking this juice ( 600 ml each in early morning and evening). After few days(ie after 10 days) of using this, I UC condition started improving. After a month of daily use, my bleeding and mucus totally stopped. Now I am going bleeding and mucus free motion once or twice a day. This fruit is generally available in northern and eastern part of the country(India) during summer from april to june end. I really got benefitted with this fruit juice. People suffering from UC may try this, sometime it can work.
    During this time try to take light vegetarian food with less spice, salt, refined sugar and oily food. Try to avoid overeating and non veg items.

    How to make bael fruit sharbat at home
    ◾First break the Bael fruit and scoop out the soft fruit pulp( generally yellow colour) with the help of a spoon. Discard the hard skin
    ◾Mix the pulp with double amount of water keep it for 30 minutes. Then mash the pulp with your hand in water. U can see after mashing all the pulp will mix with water.
    ◾Strain the juice mixture with a heavy strainer(channi or jarni in hindi) by pressing it with the help of spoon.
    ◾Remove seeds and discard insoluble fiber.
    ◾Mix pinch of salt, cumin powder and Jaggery(try to avoid it) in sieved juice. juice is ready.
    Drink it twice a day(500 ml each time).

    Try to have a good sleep in night and go for morning walk.
    . Let me know the your view after using this technique.I hope my friend suffering from UC will recover.

  78. Hello sir!..myself sakshi,im 25 years old,and suffering from colitis for last 7 years.i somehow managed to complete my btech during this period,but it feels like i have lost almost everything because of UC.i could not struggle for my career,and now my parents are worried for my future in every aspect.i feel bad about the fact that UC Cannot be cured,it can only be treated.i hv tried all medicines and diet plans in a hope that one day it will be cured,but the trusth was bitter.i feel so helpless and defeated by whole lyf is in front of me and it seems really difficult to resolve everything.

    1. Sakshi,
      You can reach me at 9161639333.
      Best Wishes

  79. Hello sir ...thanx for information...sir aap mujhe Dr tondon ka contact no.and address d sakte ho m bahut preshaan hu

    1. Dear Aamir,

      As desired, the details are as under:
      Dr B N Tandon, Noida Appointment No: 09818547822 (for Noida Hospital)
      Best Wishes for Speedy Recovery

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Dear Neeraj sir,
    My wife 32 years had been identified with Ulcerative colitis from 16 July 2016. hospitalised from 31st July. Steroids been given n still inflammation did not reduced and getting right side intolerable . dr checked dopler also for blood circulation. its normal. ultrasound shows 6mm information entire colon. After giving steriods for almost 15 days also the severity n blood in stool is there.she was in NPS , then also the same, now in liquid diet, pls advice what should be taken

  82. Hi Sakshi

    My self also same age and suffering from Uc from last 3 years if possible please reach me at 7843833569.

  83. my self yatin from Delhi.

    I have the UC since 2001, and Medicine advised Messacol 800 omnacortil 50 mg, folvite, VSL- 3, in starting these controlled the symptoms of UC, but after few months it flareup again mostly when the season changes,after taking so many years i have invited 2 more problems Tb and cataract both are due to long use of steriods,

    but last 1.5 years i have started taking ayurvedic medicine i.e kutzghan vati, amlant, trifhala powder , and belva powder. it shows good response to my UC and from last 1 year i haveno problem of UC, but only to avoid few things i.e milk in any form, cold drink, spicy curry, you can take any thing.

    it is better to try ayurvedic medicine you yourself feel better.



    1. Thanks for your advice Yatin, can you explain how you take the ayurvedic medicine as you mentioned in your post, also I dont see the curcumin in your list, mostly all ayurvedic doctors prescribe Curcumin / LongVida for UC, just curious.

      I was diagnosed Crohns (Moderate) on Humira for 3+ months, and had to stop it since it caused a side effect (Pericardial Effusion), now I am on No-Med. Also I am on LongVida/Curcumin and Triphala for 2 years, didn't see any improvement though.


    2. Hi Yatin pls share your number

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Dear Neeraj-ji,
    Truly, your blog is so so good! I took almost an hour to read your blog and all the's not me but my husband, 37 years old suffering from this painful and irritating disease..he also has UC but we have only tried allopathy now..

    Thank you so much for letting us know there is an alternative to Mesacol! 8 tablets of Mesacol a day but absolutely no relief! Will consult our doctor to see if my husband too can move to colorex..

    We are based in Dubai but really, we want to travel to India let's see if we can go to Delhi and meet Dr. Verma


    Dear ALL,

    My Name is varun. I have been diagnosed with UC in may 2016. I had all the symptoms as you all r experiencing. I didn't have more idea about UC thus me and my wife have started searching about it and the results were horrible. It had given me a great shock that now I would have to live with this disease for life long. Doctor has prescribed me mesacol 1.2gm twice a day and he was about to start steorids as well. I searched about measacol and it has great side effects. it was really hard to take the medicine. I took it only for a week and discontinue it because joint pain and
    acne had started. I was also feeling heavy discomfort while sleeping. some of the blogs suggested that Ayurveda has good treatment of this ailment and we decided to go for it. we went to maharishi Ayurveda, Shalimar Bagh. Belive my it was the worst experience of my life. they gave me lots of tablets that created disturbance in my body and a whole night was passed with vomiting and loose motions. it was the night of my life when I had loosed every hope of recovering from this disease. we went to regular doctor again and he advised that I had to to take mesacol and further if require sterodis as well because I was on stage 4 of UC. Meanwhile one of my friend advised me to go for homeopathic medicine. very frankly I was not very sure/optimistic about homeopathic treatment, It might be because I never had it in my life but my friend was too sure with the results he had seen with other big cases so he convinced me.

    I searched many of the doctors on net and finally found Dr Kamal Kansal who had already recovered many of the patients from UC. He had priscribed me two of the medicines which I had to taken 4 to five times a day. From day one he was very sure that my bleeding would stop within a week and then rest of the symtoms. he advised me for not to take and diary product except curd and also avoid spinch. I religiously followed his instructions. He also advised me for expersies/ Yoga and tray to be stress free and happy.

    trust me after a month results were seen. Bleeding stoped completely no mucus in stool and I normally went loo for once or twise a day. I yesterday visited him and he was sure that in next three months it will be completely out of my life. I am going for my next colonoscopy in November and very hopfull that UC Will no longer be part of my body.

    Dr Kansal is a great doctor, not at all money minded like others. His confidence and way of treating patients has given me a great courage to fight with this diease. He has his clinic in Rohini, Sec-13, Delhi. Ph-09811035330 you can search him on website.

    I wish my post will help many of people fighting with UC.

    1. Varun can you please share your mobile no to me. I also diagnosed from Jan 2016

    2. You can contact me at 9212204499

    3. Hi Varun Sir,
      How ru feeling now...r ur symptoms subsidized ? I got medicines from dr kamal kansal in 2015 but i didnt took those medicine..

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  89. Hi Neeraj,
    I am M/47 and suffering from UC since 2012.It is great that you have made this blogspot to discuss experiences of UC. I have read some of the posts. A lot of information can be gathered from these posts.
    Neerajji I hope a cure is found early to this ailment. On the net I have read some research going on reg. Fecal Microbiota Transplant or in simple terms it is stool transplant from a healthy person to a patient. This technique has been successful on another type of colon disease infected with C.diffile. A study on about 200 patients of UC in Australia have also yielded promising results. If any of friends have any more information about this treatment, please share.
    Also treatment using raw cow milk and other fermented foods has been posted in one of the replies above by an annonymous person. Any response on these alternatives can also be shared if available.
    Thanks and hope is the key.

    1. Dear Pankaj

      Thanks for your appreciation. Regarding FT, the efficacy of the treatment is yet to be fully proven. Also, a very basic question about UC, viz,. what is the cause of UC, remains unanswered till date. Unless the medical science is able to find the exact cause of UC, to my mind, cure will continue to elude us. Lets hope someone, somewhere, in the universe is able to crack the critical causal equation. Till Hope and Pray. Best Wishes.

  90. hi all,neeraj.
    i am patient of ulcerative collitis.last current situatation is i have to go bm 3-4 (urgency),but there is no present of blood and musocus what type of uc is

    is any one know the good doctor in bangalore of uc.
    my cuuent loaction us bangalore

    1. For UC, you can meet Dr. Harsad C. Devarbhawi,HOD, in gastro. Dept. Of Saint Johns Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore

    2. For UC, you can meet Dr. Harsad C. Devarbhawi,HOD, in gastro. Dept. Of Saint Johns Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore

    3. Hi, Im also having UC , taking treatment last one month, Doctor Chandra Mouli MBBS MS (gasto) Navachetana hospital Yelanka, feeling better

  91. Hello,

    Can you please share Dr. Tandon's email-id??

  92. Watch this very useful for ulacerative collitis and ibs patient

  93. What is the average time taken by steroid to act?

  94. HI I have UC since Nov-2016 ,I was in hospital for around one week, till Jan-2017 I felt more better but again I got the same problem blood bleeding and 6 to 7 stool per day. it was continuing till I stated to eat only cooked vegetable in the afternoon and little cooked rice for breakfast ans dinner and fully avoided Milk,Nuts,Sugar,Tea,coffee . Now I feel so better , NO blood , 1 or 2 to BM , taking tablet Measacol 12 gm and wysoline 5 g in the morning only also having one pomegranate fruit before breakfast.

    Diet is very very Important to control the symptoms.

  95. Hi I have the UC from lat 5 years i was on Balsalazide 750 mg x 3 times a day since the starting , and not having any issue , now this medicine is not available in India , can someone suggest me how can i get the balsalazide .

  96. I had never heard of Ulcerative Colitis till the time I was diagnosed with it. I am a retired professor and some years ago a tragedy happened in my life when I lost my son. After that unfortunate incident I started remaining unwell. My bowel movements became more frequent and over a period of time, I even started getting some bleeding. On a visit to a gastroenterologist I was told that I had Ulcerative Colitis. When I searched the net for further infomration on this disease, I found that allopathy had no cure for this trouble. Then one day I read an article by Dr Oyekpen in The Tribune, which mentioned about its treatment with Herbal liquid medicines. I contacted Dr Oyekpen and he started my treatment. I started getting better within the first seven days. My bowel movements are completely normal now and am cured, contact Dr, Oyekpen on his email, or call/whatsapp +2348168257144.

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  98. Hi i am Kapil Dhawan from punjab and suffering from stomach problems for last 8 years. Doctor is saying u r having eosnophilic colitis based on colonoscopy samples. While i am taking mesacol for last so many times, now while taking mesacol it started cramps in my stomach. in my view yoga. morning exercise is best ,but it is a curse to be a part of this problem . Anybody above having teeth problem or traeted with root canal therapy anytime. i think infection in teeth can also lead to this proble. M_9463600002

  99. Thanks for sharing your post, this is really informative for me. It will help me in future, i appreciate your blog!! You can Also visit on : Gastroenterology Doctors in Hyderabad

  100. Hello Neeraj ji,
    U've done a noble job by sharing your experience with UC. I am 33 years old mother of a 6 month old baby.i was diagnosed with UC in 2001. Initially wen I didn't know much about the disease I was on allopathy - mesacol which didn't work in my case and switched to homeopathy with a lot of diet control.i wax in remission for some time and on and off symptoms of UC and was in remission again. My remission period and on and off symptoms lasted for about6-7 years. AfterI got married in 2013, UC attacked me and that was when I came to know everything about about the disease..I was on mesacol, folvite, shelcal and zincovit for some time and was given wysolone which stopped bleeding. This time I was taking treatment from Fortis Noida. After understanding the fact that allopathy can never cure ulcerative colitis and can only worsen a person's life, I switched to ayurvedic... Currently taking Dr. Harish Verma medicine from past 2 months but it's not working..By God's grace, I do not suffer from cramps or pain of any kind in UC otherwise would have died as my tolerance level is too low...My biggest problem is bleeding..I just don't know what to take to stop the bleeding..M having 2-3 BM's a day...I cannot experiment much with medicines as m a lactating mother... Should I continue with Dr. Harish Verma medicine...He sits in Toronto Canada and his assistant gives the medicine here in Delhi...Also can you tell if u have tried wheat grass juice...Can it be tried to stop the bleeding..Will it have any adverse effects on breastfeeding...M totally lost and depressed as UC has taken over my life..Pls help me...

    1. Thanks a lot for your generous appreciation. I would suggest to call me at 9161639333. Pl send a introductory message before calling.
      Best Wishes

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  104. I am from Canada, I want to testify of how i got cured from ulcerative colitis I got infected with ulcerative colitis in 2011 and I have visited several herbalists, spiritualists and pastors for cure but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal DOCTOR from Africa who use his herbal medicine to cure all kind of deadly diseases including HIV AIDS, ALS, MND, Epilepsy, Leukemia, Asthma, Cancer, Ghonorhea etc, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal spell caster via his email, he prepared a herbal spell portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal spell portion, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly disease within 7days, I am ulcerative colitis Negative (-) all thanks to Dr Aze. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email or whatsapp him at +2349057916457Goodluck

  105. Very interesting blog.Have you heard from any doctors(Allopathic, Ayurvedic,Homeopathic). If any query about right treatment and Looking Homeopathic Doctor in ChandigarhJoin Us.

  106. Good Morning Universe. Back to basics. Wyslone journey continues in its 3rd year on a trot. Another round of colonoscopy. This time its Dr Prashant Buch. Hope he has something to offer for better !!🤔🤔

  107. Annual ritual performed. Biopsy says no 'Malignancy' for now. Colon a bit unhappy with life ! But chalta hai!! Steroids on UC gone :)

    1. Hi Neeraj Ji.I must tell u dat ur blog has really helped my determination to fight back with UC.I too want to share my exp with this disease.I m 32 yrs lady.i was diagonsed with dis disease left sided UC one yr back in jan 2017 after havng sigmidoscopy test.dr sugested me to hav colonoscopy within a year.he prescribed mesacol od twice daily and to my surprise it worked frm d very next day.i never had that bloody stool.But by the end of d year i had a news dat i m pregnant and d story began.i didnt have any problm during my first trimester.bfore taking d decision of planning a baby with this disease i went to my gastroentrologist as well as gynaec.both of them asked me to move on with this.its my second issue.from the beginning of very fourth month of my pregnancy i had a flare up.symptom of which was stools with blood.o went to my dr.he siggested looz,mesacol od,vsl 3and mesacol anema.ot worked for 15 days.then was back to d worst phase.i m now at my worst phase by d end of six month of pregnancy.i m on steroids omnacortil30mg from last three days,mesacol od 1.2mg 3 timez a day,vsl 3,shelcol,folmite and entofoam enema.but there is no improvement yet.i hv to meet my dr after having oral steroid for at leat 7 days.i m worried and tense of its side effects on my baby and me...cant tell u abt bad cramps and pain in my leg.i m still managing to go office as it diverts me frm this disease.I m more worried about what if this medicine too wont work...i hav to carry my baby for at least 2 and a half month more in my womb.we r thinking totravel to Aiims if steroid doesnt work.My Dr has prescribed for steroid with decreasing dose for next 3 months.What to do.Confuse##Help me.

    2. Hi Pooja,
      Can appreciate your trouble and pain. Not very sure about how much I will be of help. Bcoz as a male I never had to face this kind of complication, UC and preg together. Still would suggest, lets talk over the weekend, if that suits you. With Best Wishes.

  108. Thanks for ur wishes Neeraj ji.Evry morning i wake up with a short quote....I cant Quit...& thats how it goes.I hope and pray to god to help me and thats what i can do.Being positive acts like an arm to fight with UC..I hav a daughter who needs me and i hav to b there with her always..Its her who reminds me of my responsiblity and gives courage to stand back.I wish ki jo bhi UC se paresan hai unhe god at least depression se bachaye.Take Care Evryone

  109. I'm also suffering from uc first in 2007 then relapse in 2017. Under medication Predmet 16 and Rowasa 1g thrice daily.
    Waiting for response

  110. Dear Vasundhara,
    The therapy takes time. Please have patience. Things will improve. Try to maintain a positive frame of mind. Positivity is the key. Do your best and leave the rest to Ishwar. Listen and follow your Doctors advice sincerely. Please feel free for any further clarification

    With Best Wishes

  111. Ha!! Reminded of a very old song... " yeh lal rang kab mujhe chorega" Filmed on the first superstar of Hindi film industry, Late Rajesh Khanna.

    "Bloody" Intestines mibehaving again since saturday.
    Rasta sujhe na, Dr bujhe na, jaoo kaha !!! :(

  112. Hi Neeraj,
    How is Ur health? I just wanted to know that u have been on and off Wysolone for quiet some time now....what side effects do u face ??

  113. Hi Neeraj,

    Did you hear about black seed oil. Heard it's a great healer of all diseases except death. Search google.

    1. Nopes Dear. Not heard about Black Seed oil.

  114. Hi Vinay,

    Kindly share the URL once again. There seems to be some glitch with the one you have shared. Thanks

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  117. Hey there. That's some wonderful blog you've got there. Amazing content. It was really helpful and I am really glad that you posted this. Also check: best gastroenterologist in Bangalore

    1. Hi!
      Good Morning

      Thanks a Ton for generous appreciation.

      Best wishes

  118. A friend of mine recommended the use of SEITAI(Qing-Dai in Chinese), and he told me SEITAI worked effectively in about two weeks and no side effects developed. Fotakofoods

  119. Hi evryone
    There is a good news and a bad one too.Good news is that i am blessed with a healthy normal baby boy even after being on steroids for almost 3 months.I m on cloud nine as i was tooo tooo tooo scared throughout my pregnancy.
    But the bad news is i m again on steroid after 5 months of delivery as uc has come back to take revenge.This time i m started with 40mg omnacortil which will taper down with time.
    I m depressed and trying hard to get strength.i hv understood that i wont live a long life or would even touch 50 but i want to live at least 10 to 12 more years.till that time my kids would grow up a little to face the world without their mom.i want to see them growing up like any other parents.It is hard to console myself.wants to kill this defective genes😦

    1. Hi Pooja,

      Congratulations and Blessings for the Gift of God, the Big Baby Joy.

      Steroids are an integral part of any UC soldier. I am sure you would live much longer than you think. I am already 53 and ready for another 50.

      You need to have patience and faith in yourself. God is great and Kind to.

      Allow some time and enjoy the joy of motherhood. Take Care.

      Best Wishes.


    2. Dear Verma don't worry there UC patients living more than 30 years so be confident maintand try other mode of treatment like Homeo, ayurvedic .If possible take food therophy avoid rice and grains eat lot of cooked veg like carrot beatroot. I KNOW PEOPLE ARE FEELING GOOD WITH HOMEOPATHY AND AURVEDHA

  120. Hi.
    Ive been diagnosed with ulcerative proctitis and have been passing blood for past 8 months now. I was on mesacol and have recently started omnicortil 40 .how safe is to bleed for so long. Is there any diet that i can take to avoid bleeding or inflamation.

    1. Hi!
      Good Morning

      Bleeding for too long is definitely not safe. Apart from other implications, the drop in Hb levels can create further complications. Hence, the Steroid Therapy for controlling the bleeding.

      Be Strong. Have faith and Patience in abundance. Take the medicines prescribed by your Gastro. Keep in regular touch with the Gastro. For diet, check with your Gastro. Milk is a definite no-no; better to avoid.

      Best Wishes. Take Care.


  121. It's better to avoid milk or milk made food, raw fruits except banana, citrus fruits,ruffage.

    1. Hi Raaj,

      Good Morning

      Thanks for sharing. your experience. Yes, milk is probably an absolute no. Keep Sharing. Keep Helping.

      Best Wishes. Take Care.


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  127. Hi Neeraj, thanks for sharing your experience. I checked about Dr.BN tandon..but sadly got to know that he is no more.please suggest any other doctor in Noida or Delhi..Now I am in state of flare up..n urgently need to see a good doctor.I am nursing a baby now so need to be very careful with medicines n their side effects. Plz reply

  128. Hi everyone,i visited dr.vineet ahuja at aiims delhi,i was thoroughly counselled by dr,Bhaskar there,amazing personality.i was on steroid till jab and i visited aiims in feb.dr kept me only on message and asked me to follow up in 3 months.everything is okay with message 4 tablets daily.i m too feeding my baby but dr told me that its safe for baby.nothing to worry.flare up brings depression and thats where we dont have yo give up.

  129. Hello, Has anybody consulted Vikram Chauwhan(Planet Ayurveda).
    There are lots of videos in YouTube with the patients’ testimonials.
    So I was wondering if anybody in this blog has consulted him?
    If so, please can you share your views?

  130. flare up again within one year.dr has prescribed me omnacortil 40 mg but i m not going to take this steroid again.i will go for other treatment like ayurveda or homeopathic.steroid would kill me slowly.i will not take it

  131. I m on flare up again.prescribed omnacortil 40mg to begin with.i will not take oral steroids will make me steroid dependent which is not good at all.i m trying to control my flare up with my diet and homeopathic medicines.i may be experimenting on myself but its much better than steroids experimenting on me

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